10 Things Pioneers Have Said About Covid-19 that makes no sense whatsoever


It’s almost over a year when we had our first confirmed covid-19 case in India. When every third-day, a new study is coming out about the virus, respected politicians and Godmen couldn’t stay back when they have such lucrative theories.


1.  A Gujarat MLA said that BJP workers are not infected with COVID as they work hard.

Photo Credit : indiatoday.in

In a recent interview, he was asked what were the rules and regulation of political leaders and workers during the election campaign since the cases are increasing, and he replied by saying,

“Those who work hard do not get coronavirus infection. BJP workers work hard, and therefore, not a single worker has been infected with”

2. Swami Chakrapani, National President of All India Hindu Mahasabha, said that Corona is an avatar of Lord Narsingh.

Photo Credit : http://godlywoodstudio.org/

“Corona is not a virus, an avatar for the protection of poor creatures. They have come to give the message of death and punishment to the one who eats them.”

3. Swami Chakrapani complains about the use of cow blood in the manufacturing of covid-19 vaccines in foreign countries.

Photo Credit : theenglishpost.com

“Before bringing Corona vaccine or medicine to India, the government and international pharmaceutical companies should clarify to the country if the vaccine or medicine does contain cow’s blood or any such substance which hurts the spirit of Hindu Sanatan Dharma.”

4. If we go back in time, even Donald trump said that one miracle would vanish the Coronavirus.

Photo Credit : ruetir.com

“It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.”

5. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko denied the fear of covid-19, calling it a ‘psychosis’.

Photo Credit : tass.com

“The world has gone mad from the Coronavirus. This psychosis has crippled national economies almost everywhere in the world.”

He also suggested to everyone, that drinking vodka, visiting saunas, and playing ice hockey, may be beneficial for covid-19 patients.


6. Union Minister Ramdas Athawale chanted some meaningless slogans.

Photo Credit : thehindubusinessline.com

“Earlier, I gave the slogan ‘Go Corona, Corona Go’, and now Corona is going. For the new coronavirus strain, I give the slogan of ‘No Corona, Corona No’.”


7.  Brazilian President Bolsonaro addressed that Brazilian should not be ‘sissies’ about coronavirus.

Photo Credit : scroll.in

“Everyone is going to die. There is no point in escaping from that, in escaping from reality. We have to stop being a country of sissies.”

8.  Assam BJP MLA Suman Haripriya quotesd that gua mutra and gobar can cure covid-19.

Photo Credit : .guwahatiplus.com

“We all know that cow dung is very helpful. Likewise, when cow urine is sprayed, it purifies an area… I believe something similar could be done with ‘gaumutra’ and ‘gobar’ to cure Coronavirus.”


9.  BJP politician Rameshwar Sharma claimed that laying on foundation stone for the ram mandir will lead to a decline in Coronavirus.

Photo Credit : financialexpress.com

“Lord Ram had reincarnated for the welfare of mankind and to kill demons at that time. As soon as the construction of Ram temple begins,s the destruction of the Covid pandemic will begin too.”

10. Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh said those getting blessing from Hindu god should not fear of covid-19.

Photo Credit : scroll.in

“Look here,e so many people have assembled. Thousands of people are here praying. They are drinking water, taking ‘prasad’. They are not even washing their hands. They are not afraid of the disease. We are taking the ‘prasad’ together. Nothing will happen to us, as the gods’ blessings are with us.”

Now, just take a moment and sit back and realize that so many theories came out for the Coronavirus. Still, the number of cases is increasing, risking thousands of lives. Some died, some survived, and some are still suffering.

Refrain from seeking medical advice about covid-19 or any other illnesses from non-certified officials and conspiracy theorists. Your life is your own and we must filter our information and only believe information that can be verified.


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