The mystery behind the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput still remains unsolved and is now investigated by CBI. His family filed an FIR against actor Rhea Chakraborty, denouncing her of abetment of suicide and financial fraud. Rhea is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation, Enforcement Directorate and Narcotics Control Bureau for her alleged involvement in Sushant’s demise. While the investigation has turned into a trial by media, not one or two but many debates took place defaming her. Where on one side, “Justice for SSR” continues to trend on Twitter, with many speaking against them on their part, we have many in numbers who came in support of her from the Bollywood.
Actor-host Shibani Dandekar on Wednesday shares a post on Instagram in support of Reha Chakraborty in which she states that they both have known each other since she was 16 years old.
This post has received many positive responses from Vishal Dadlani, Lauren Gottlieb, Sussanne Khan, Maanvi Gagroo, Amrita Arora and many other.
Film producer Nidhi Parmar Hiranandani also entrusted her support to Rhea Chakraborty by sharing her thoughts on Twitter.
— Nidhi Parmar (@nidhiparmar) September 2, 2020
Producer Pritish Nandy also shared an Instagram post in Rhea’s support
Lakshmi Manchu Actor-producer has shared a post on Twitter asking Industry friends to wake up and stop this lynching
@sardesairajdeep @Tweet2Rhea @itsSSR . Wake up my industry friends… stop this lynching. #letthetruthprevail
— Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna (@LakshmiManchu) August 30, 2020
Taapsee Pannu had also tweeted in Rhea Chakraborty’s support
I didn’t know Sushant on a personal level nor do I know Rhea but what I know is, it only takes to be a human to understand how wrong it is to overtake judiciary to convict someone who isn’t proven guilty. Trust the law of the land for your sanity and the deceased’s sanctity 🙏🏼
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) August 30, 2020
Vidya Balan has also lent her support by her twitter post.
— vidya balan (@vidya_balan) September 1, 2020
Their supports have gained many people appreciation as well as critic.