Hogwarts was a world gifted to us by JK Rowling and depicted on screen by a number of people to give us a home that we will remember forever.
If you have grown up reading and watching Harry Potter, the wizards, the wands, the magic spells–and Hogwarts itself– all of it must still be real for you because just as Dumbledore said, “Of course, it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
So, after almost a decade, when it was announced that the entire team was coming together once again for a reunion– we caught some of the Muggles dancing in their homes.
And why wouldn’t they? It was like visiting Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley, drinking butterbeer, watching Quidditch WorldCup– well, we have made our point.
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So, without further ado, let us dive into the reunion once again and bring out the 7 best scenes from it–
1. Harry thought he had a chance with Bellatrix?
The hatred Daniel or Harry indicated towards Bellatrix after she killed Sirius– all of us remember that rage!

But the fact that Harry thought he had a chance with Bellatrix and he said He Loved Her!? Cute and way to go, Harry!
2. Hermione and Draco, it is a thing!
Fans started shipping Hermione and Draco together a few years back and when you look back, you do realize that Draco might have been in love with Hermione but due to his cruel and egocentric dad, he exhibited extreme hatred towards her– it’s just a theory but it is really heart-warming to see Tom accepting the fact that Emma and he loved each other– not in a romantic way, just a natural love that comes without expectations!
3. Emma and Rupert’s kissing scene
When Hermione and Ron finally kissed, it was awkward to even for the audience because they have been delaying it for too long that we thought it was never going to happen.
It turned out to be pretty intense though but looking back Rupert does make it sound like a horror show. We never know what the actors are actually feeling!
4. Rupert and His Jokes.
Seeing the reunion, it is visible that Rupert is that cool guy from the group who cracks a joke at the right time or the guy who laughs at serious moments.
Remember all the perfect times where Ron made fun of Hermione? And his sarcasm? And his expressions? He has to be the King of Jokes in the series.
6. Neville is still the most relatable character.
Neville has to be the most real character in the series. He gets frightened, he is afraid to try out new things, he opens up slowly–that’s how things work in real life for some of us.
Neville also explained in the reunion what Harry Potter meant for all of us and honestly, we agree to every word.
6. Seeing Hagrid
One look and you cannot recognize that he is Hagrid. The jolly and happy character who was the “mother” of our golden trio inside Hogwarts.
It was awesome to watch him at the reunion and felt unusual seeing him get emotional and grim.
7. The Golden Trio
Suddenly, our eyes are sweating. We think it is due to the cold wind. Anyway, seeing the Golden Trio once again in the dormitory and reminiscing the memories–felt like a part of all of us matured and we have lost or rather outgrown a portion of our childhood.
Nevertheless, Hogwarts will always be our home, no matter how old are we.
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