Because not everyone is an early riser or a morning person, developing a schedule that works for you may take some time. A ringing alarm clock, a large cup of coffee, and a quick check of our email are common ways for many of us to begin the day. However, if you look at the healthy morning habits of highly successful people, you’ll notice that this is exactly what they don’t do.
According to Arianna Huffington, “What I don’t do when I wake up is a huge part of my morning ritual: I don’t start the day by looking at my phone.
Instead, as soon as I get up, I take a minute to breathe deeply, be appreciative, and set my day objective.” Here are eight healthy habits for a perfect morning routine that successful people swear by:
Table of Contents
1. Ditch The Alarm Clock
Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, swears by eight hours of sleep per night. He also believes in waking up naturally, without an alarm clock. Oprah wakes up on her own as well. She detailed how she sets her internal clock in her wellness journal: “I have never set an alarm since I don’t believe in them.”

They’re…frightening! According to the National Sleep Foundation, Huffington’s early bedtime allows her to obtain eight hours of sleep, which is the recommended amount for most adults.
As our body prepares for danger, stress hormones and adrenaline are released at the start of the day. Not the best way to start the day!
2. A Glass Of Water can help
You become slightly dehydrated while sleeping. This is understandable given that you haven’t had any water throughout the night.
That’s why it’s critical to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. You’ll replenish your fluids, which will assist keep your metabolism running smoothly throughout the day.
Water can also aid in waking you up and reducing hunger pangs.
3. Move Your Body
Many great leaders work out first thing in the morning. Gwyneth Paltrow, the actress and founder of Goop, claims she works out every morning after reading her emails.
According to The New York Times, Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates enjoys multitasking during his morning treadmill exercises by viewing DVDs while exercising.
According to Niki Leondakis, CEO of the premium lifestyle brand Equinox, who does morning yoga regularly, “I’ve always believed that being mentally well and powerful requires physical health and strength. Everything is intertwined.”
4. Accomplish A Task
Because your willpower is stronger in the morning, attempt to complete — or at least make some progress on — a task that will help you get a head start on your day. Arianna, for example, responds to emails.
What you do will be determined by your personal and professional objectives. You may scribble some notes for a meeting or begin working on a project. Finally, choose a task that demands self-control and attention to finish; this will allow you to have a more productive day in general.
Later in the day, your drive and willpower will be reduced, so doing an important task early will save you from having to do it later when you’ll be fatigued and less inclined to focus.
5. Self Reflection
Self-reflection in the morning can help you succeed throughout the day. Steve Jobs, the late Apple CEO, understood this better than anybody else.
We spend our lives on autopilot far too frequently, only to discover later that we’ve lost sight of our values, aspirations, and passions along the way.
Steve Jobs avoided this dilemma by asking himself one simple question every morning in the mirror: “Would I want to do what I’m about to accomplish today if it were the last day of my life? If the response is no for a long period, I know I need to make a change.” This method of self-awareness is brilliant.
6. Prepare a to-do list
Based on what you need to get done the next day, this is something you should do at night. In the morning, you should cross tasks off your list. Arianna makes a list of her daily priorities so she can get started on them straight away.
Make a list of things you want to get done before you go to work. You’ll be able to cross off stuff rapidly because you’ll have lots of the aforementioned willpower.
Make your list realistic; the chores should be relevant and contribute to the success of your day as a whole, but they should also be reachable. You don’t want to become discouraged if you can’t complete everything on a large list.
7. Find Your Rhythm
The ideal technique to get started on job responsibilities is a matter of debate. Some people recommend starting with the more strenuous activities and then moving on to the less taxing ones later.
Others advise starting with the most critical work. However, other people find that progressively acclimating to new situations works best for them.
Gretchen Rubin, the originator of The Happiness Project, begins her day by checking her emails and social media accounts. In an interview with, she stated that she prefers to start with low-level work. This motivates her to take on more harder tasks in the future. You may more effectively harness your productivity by determining what works best for you individually. Experiment with different approaches to see which one works best for you.
With these recommendations for a positive and productive morning routine from extremely successful people, you can make your morning—and the rest of the day—rock. These five extremely successful people’s morning rituals will help you kick-start your day and achieve more attention, clarity, and productivity. Also, what are your thoughts on these 7 healthy morning habits to get your day started?
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