World Kindness Day 2020: 5 Acts of Kindness that are not going to be heavy on your pocket

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Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.

– Harold S Kushner

The World Kindness day came into being on 13th November 1998. It was initiated by a group of humanitarians and the people working at championing kindness in society. Declaring a movement as an international holiday was a long battle. The history dates back to 1997 where a Tokyo-based convention was held. An array of institutions and associations based in countries including Australia, Thailand, the United States, and the United Kingdom had been assembled at this conference because of their dedication to championing kindness in society with the written declaration of their inception stating their ‘pledge to join together to build a kinder and more compassionate world.’ Working towards the cause, in 2009 it has attained a greater reach. For the first time, the day was observed in Singapore, Italy, and India. In a decade, the World Kindness Movement attains official status as an NGO under Swiss law.

That was the history of the day. Cheers to the efforts of scholars and the dignitaries who ponder light over such a delicate and necessary feature of mankind that has gone insignificant. Now that we have a day dedicated to celebrating kindness all over the world, let’s utilize it to inculcate good deeds and small acts of kindness in our lives.

Sometimes spending money restrains us or comes in a way to shower kindness. Still, there are many ways that are not going to be heavy on our pockets. Kindness is one of the most expensive gift we can gift to someone for free.

From the desk of TSA, we bring you 5 acts of kindness that are easy as a pie to adopt.


world kindness day

Hopes it again illuminates and softens our hearts to work towards making this world more peaceful and beautiful.

All the designs are created by the writer of the article Hiba Yameen


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