Former Under-Secretary-General- United Nations, turned politician, and author Dr Shashi Tharoor’s official Twitter account is quite an interesting page. From politics to his personal opinions, he tweets about many subjects in the most articulate manner on the platform. But what catches people’s attention is his intriguing use of lesser-known words; the most popular being ‘Farrago’ which shot Dr Tharoor to fame among tweeples, after he used it in one of his tweets Since then, every few days, Dr Tharoor makes most Indians reach out for the dictionary and learn a new English word! In fact, most readers wouldn’t even know such English words existed had he not used them in his interesting tweets.
Shashi Tharoor has taught us many different and new words. Here, we list down some unique English words that Dr Shashi Tharoor taught us. Read on!
1. Gonzo (adjective)
Pronunciation: gon-zo
Meaning: relating to or denoting journalism of an exaggerated, subjective, and fictionalized style.
2.Muliebrity (noun)
Pronunciation: myoo-lee-eb-ri-tee
Meaning: Womanly qualities; womanliness
3.Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (noun)
Pronunciation: hip‧po‧po‧to‧mon‧stro‧ses‧qui‧pe‧dal‧i‧o‧pho‧bi‧a
Meaning: The fear of long words.
4.Floccinaucinihilipilification (noun)
Pronunciation: floccī-naucī-nihilī-pilī-fication
Meaning: The action or habit of estimating something as worthless.
5.Lalochezia (noun)
Pronunciation: la-lO-‘chez-E-o
Meaning: Emotional relief gained by using indecent or vulgar language
6.Rodomontade (adjective)
Pronunciation: ro·do·mon·tade
Meaning: Boastful or inflated talk or behaviour
7.Kakistocracy (noun)
Pronunciation: kak·is·toc·ra·cy
Meaning: Government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state.
8.Scripturient (adjective)
Pronunciation: skrip-‘tUr-E-ent
Meaning: Having a strong urge to write.
9.Parturient (adjective)
Pronunciation: par·tu·ri·ent
Meaning: (of a woman or female mammal) about to give birth; in labour.
10.Esurient (adjective)
Pronunciation: esu·ri·ent
Meaning: Hungry or greedy.
During an interaction with students during an event in Thiruvananthapuram, a student asked Tharoor to give him a new word. In his response, Tharoor revealed how he developed his ‘exotic’ vocabulary. To the surprise of many present at the event, Tharoor said he has “barely opened” a dictionary in his life.
“I’ll give you a very simple, old word – read – that’s the only way I have acquired the vocabulary. People think I am some sort of nut case who studies dictionaries all day long…I have barely opened a dictionary in my life,” Tharoor said. The 63-year-old politician’s response received huge applause from the audience.
In his new book, Tharoorosaurus, he will be sharing 53 examples from his vocabulary. Published by Penguin Random House India, there will be one such word from every letter of the alphabet.
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