Is there any generation that gets as much criticism as Millennials do? We all know that each generation is critical of the one before it, but it feels like everyone is out to get those of us who were born between the 1980s and the early 2000s.
Perhaps the older generation is envious of our technological prowess and fancy acronyms like YOLO. It’s most likely the acronym. Anyway, this is especially for our ’90s kids. #HashtagMillennials
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1. You’re single
By their 32nd birthday, only 26% of Millennials are married.

So, while it may appear like you’re the only one who isn’t posting Pinterest-inspired wedding photographs on Facebook, you and your single friends are in the minority.
And then there’s Facebook…
2. You have a few hundred Facebook friends
Our grandparents, on the other hand, had closer to 50 Facebook friends than millennials. We’re also more than twice as likely to post a selfie as our parents.

We’re also a little obnoxious: 31% of Millennials believe it’s OK to use a cell phone at a family dinner.
However, we share one trait with the older generation: almost all of us believe that people publish too much information online.
3. You have a college degree you’ve gone broke paying for, but you know you’re going to be OK
We are an educated, impoverished generation: A third of Millennials over the age of 26 have a four-year graduate degree, but we’re also the first generation to be poorer, more likely to be unemployed, and more in debt than our parents and grandparents.

While only a third of us believe we have enough money to live the lives we want right now, more than half believe we will have enough money in the future.
4. You’re politically independent
Millennials are the politically most apolitical generation, with 50% refusing to affiliate with either political party.

But, when it comes to voting, we’re more inclined than any other generation to vote for the left because we’re more likely to identify as liberals than conservatives.
5. You think it’s just fine to smoke pot at your friend’s gay wedding
We’re a laid-back bunch: 68 percent of us believe people should be allowed to marry people of the same sex, and nearly the same percentage — 69 percent — believe marijuana should be legalized.

And on those subjects, we’re only getting more liberal.
6. You believe in God, but you’re not religious
Eighty-six percent of Millennials believe in God, with 58 percent claiming perfect certainty. However, just 36% of us would describe ourselves as “religious.”

And, while we don’t necessarily believe that an increase of atheists is healthy for society, we also don’t believe it matters all that much — more than half believe that the growing number of nonreligious persons makes little impact.
Older generations, on the other hand, believe that the decline in religiosity is a bad thing.
7. You’re not flying the Indian flag
Millennials are the generation that is least likely to identify as patriotic.

In comparison to 81 percent of persons over the age of 72, only around half of Millennials believe the label “a patriotic person” fits them well.
Sixty-five percent of adults say they are patriots in general.
8. But you’re not flying the green flag, either
Millennials are also the generation with the lowest likelihood of identifying as environmentalists. Only 34% of us believe the title accurately defines us, compared to nearly half of prior generations.

That doesn’t mean we won’t recycle; given our aversion to labels like “patriot” and “religious,” perhaps we just don’t enjoy labeling ourselves as anything.
9. You are tech Savy
As a millennial, you grew up constantly connected to the internet and you probably have a natural aptitude with all things technological, whether it’s how to connect a device to the laptop or how to reach a hundred likes on the Facebook post.

10. You are more motivated by meaning
Its often said that Millennials are always looking for meaning in everything they do. Looking for meaning is positive because when people have meaning in their lives, the world becomes a happier place.

11. You value experiences over material things
You move around a lot, and you are adventurous put these together and you will make the most out of life and Millennials should prioritize experiences over material goods.

12. You crave authenticity
Perhaps more than anything else, Millennials want to be true to themselves. Millennials push boundaries; it’s like if dying your hair purple makes you express yourself then do it and your boss shouldn’t judge you for it.
Millennials value self-expression over conforming to the norm.
13. You want results quickly
You might hear people say that Millennials are the generation that expects results without putting in the long-term work; now this is a generalization.

Over the years, you have been told through advertisements and courses that you can get whatever you want and whenever you want, that is why Millennials leave things in between and expect results without any hard work. This is true in some cases.
14. You don’t see your workplace as permanent
You see companies making layoffs and that is why you are less likely to trust corporations and there is no reason you should believe in a job for life as boomers did.

15. You are open to change
Change is an inevitable part of life and we should be able to accept it. Millennials have been dealing with change all their life.

Since you are used to things changing all the time, you are less likely to face it; you are more adaptable.