It ain’t effortless to pull off a thriving vanishing act like in movies? Just like Steven Leung, who strived to make it look like he’d died during 9/11. But imagine how alarming it would be to vanish for real without a trace.
Every once in a while we learn that someone has gone missing, some are famous and some become famous because of their mysterious disappearance.

As soon as we receive such news we undergo a feeling of terror because we keep speculating how life can be so uncertain. One minute we are alive and well, living our lives as we have always existed. And then boom – we can unexpectedly disappear without a sign. Despite efforts to locate these missing folks, some are never found, leaving a contradiction surrounding their last days and ultimate disappearance.
Historians and archaeologists reveal more and more mysteries of the past, but these mysteries still puzzle researchers after decades or sometimes even centuries of investigations.
Today at TSA, we present to you 8 of the most enduring tales of mysterious deaths and disappearances that still puzzle historians.

When American pilot Amelia Earhart set out to evolve as the first woman to fly around the world, she was already one of the most popular women in the world.
Five years before, in May 1932, she had made a label for herself as the first woman to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic. And in 1935, Earhart made the first solo flying from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California.
In July 1937, when the aircraft bringing Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan on their round-the-world attempt went missing over the Pacific Ocean.
The plane nor the two pilots were ever found. Earhart’s spouse sponsored a private search, but it failed to produce any results. In 1939, Earhart was declared dead in absentia.
There have been several theories as to what happened to her but the most widespread notion is that her plane ran out of fuel, and she had no option but to ditch into the Pacific ocean, later sinking after the crash.

With a checkered history that comprised beliefs for fraud, jury tampering, and bribery, it came as no shock for many that Jimmy Hoffa made some rivals.
Hoffa was ultimately elected president of the IBT but his illicit dealings led to a drastic investigation from Robert F Kennedy and he was ultimately sentenced to a total of 13 years in prison.
Office verdict was commuted by Richard Nixon after less than 5 years assisted. He relished nearly 4 years of freedom before vanishing from a prosperous Detroit suburb on July 30th, 1975.
Seemingly, he was planned to meet two organized crime bosses. Hoffa was lawfully declared dead 7 years after his mysterious disappearance and assumptions of his faith continue to this day.

Glenn Miller one of the best-selling recording artist from the late 1930s to the early 1940s made his mark with his best-selling recordings “Moonlight Serenade,” “A String of Pearls “ and “In the Mood”.
Miller enrolled to join the US Navy after the US joined World War II, but he was rejected. He then attempted to register for the army and, ultimately, was endorsed into the Air Force.
On December 1944, Miller and two others were to fly to Paris, to play for the newly liberated troops at a Christmas concert but, while he was on his route his aircraft mysteriously over the English Channel and he was never glimpsed again.

Richey Edwards was a successful guitarist and lyricist of Manic Street Preachers a rock band. He was referred by many as being the prominent lyricist of his time .However, he vanished on 1st February in 1995, the same day that he was determined to travel with a fellow band member to the US for a promotional trip.
Edwards was reportedly seen numerous times over the next two weeks by fans who weren’t conscious that he was missing. On February 14, his deserted car was found in a parking yard with a dead battery. Police say there was proof that someone had been staying in it, but it was never verified whether or not it was Edwards.
Also, the parking yard was near to a bridge well-known for people having committed suicide by lunging from it, but most speculated that Edwards wasn’t competent in taking his own life.
Other sightings have been documented over the years, but nothing significant has been uncovered.
He was list as officially vanished until 2008 when he was inferred dead.

Sean Flynn was the son of famous Hollywood actor Errol Flynn. Flynn struggled with numerous careers, such as musician and actor, before settling into photojournalism.
Searching for tremendous images, Flynn often wandered with special forces units as well as irregulars who regulated in isolated areas. He was recognized for going to extreme lengths, including risky ones.
In April of 1970, during the Vietnam War, Flynn was working on a project in Cambodia with another photojournalist, Dana Stone. Stone had an identical prestige as Flynn for going to extra lengths in dangerous places.
The two were caught by communist guerrillas, but what happened after that is a dilemma to this day.
Flynn’s mother spent huge amounts of money striving to locate him, but all in vain.
Neither man was either glimpsed or heard from again. Flynn, at his mother’s compelling, was ultimately declared dead in absentia in 1984.
Harold Holt, the 17th Australian Prime Minister disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Port Victoria along with his acquaintance and presumed lover.
A huge search operation was performed but, there no were no clues. It is speculated that he was either skimmed into the sea or that he was killed by a shark attack but nothing can be announced for sure.
A slang expression was invented after his mysterious disappearance, “do a Harry Holt”, which meant to latch or vanish unexpectedly.

In 1971 just the day before Thanksgiving, the American population was taken aback by the news that the man under a pseudonym of Dan Cooper, clothed in a business suit, seized Northwest Airlines 305.
With a briefcase bomb in his hands, later confirmed as D.B. Cooper reached the flight counter asked for the parachute and $200,000 ransom.
Upon collecting both the money and the parachute at the Seattle Airport, he discharged all the passengers and proceeded the flight with 2 pilots and 1 flight attendant.
Within 45 minutes into the flight, he strapped the money around his chest, put on a parachute and then jumped off the aircraft into oblivion.
A military search party of 1,000 men wasn’t sufficient to find this ingenious thief.

Oscar Zeta Acosta was a brilliant author, dedicated Chicano activist and successful lawyer. And although he didn’t evolve to be the sheriff of Los Angeles county he still arranged to receive 100,000 votes in the procedure.
While visiting Sinaloa, Mexico, Costa allegedly called up his son just before vanishing and his location has never been inferred.
According to some citations, he was an amfetamine addict, which may just very well be the reason for his mysterious disappearance.
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