World Gratitude Day, celebrated on 21st September, brings the entire globe together in a day of thankfulness.
It is the perfect opportunity to remind us to step back and think about what we are thankful for. Gratitude is something that inspires and fills the mind with meaning. When we are thankful for something, we tend to love our life and stick around long enough to enjoy it.
During this coronavirus pandemic where people are stressing over the death toll and the miseries, let’s take a moment to spread some positivity and thank our heroes who, despite of all the risks associated with it, have blessed us in every way possible thus keeping us free of the disease. Here we count our blessings:-
1) Health Workers
From the very start, they have been constantly working to treat the infected, not only saving our lives but putting their own at risk as well.
Moreover, many doctors, nurses and staff in India are underpaid but they still stick to their duty which signifies their determination and dedication to fight the pandemic.

2) Teachers
The education sector is one of the worst affected throughout the pandemic. Teachers haven’t left any stone unturned in imparting quality education through online classes. It is a very huge success that they have adopted the new methods in spite of all the harassment and trolling by the students. They have the courage to step forward as new technological teachers.

3) Pharmacists
It is pretty evident that, an infected person, after taking prescription from a doctor, heads towards a chemist shop to buy the medicine. Remember when the lockdown first started, and everyone rushed towards the medical stores to buy the sanitizers and soaps and other medical aid? They have been a boon to us and deserve our gratitude for working amid all the fear.

4) Police Officers
During the lockdown, they have been constantly working day and night to ensure that the citizens don’t crowd themselves at any point in order to forbid the transmission. They were even criticised by some unaware people but they still continue to do their duty which is amazing.

5) Sanitation workers
Being exposed to virus, from collection of waste to its disposal, they have been cleaning the spots of the virus from surfaces which otherwise might have been transmitted.

6) Journalists
From travelling to different areas to reporting news, they went over and above to meet their duties and telling us some real stories amid the pandemic.

7) Public transport drivers
The drivers and operators have been transporting people to various places and thus risking their lives.

8) Airline workers
They have been facilitating the transport of people from far away places thus being exposed to a greater risk of transmission.
9) Civil servants
They are ensuring proper legislation, administration and implementation during such adverse conditions.

10) Delivery Agents
While we are enjoying in our homes, the delivery agents are the ones who are travelling places to transport food and medicines to us while adopting strict social distancing norms.

Enjoy the little things because one day you will look back and realize that they were the big things. Every gesture counts. Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.